OTC Pink Sheet Companies Need Rehab….With the stock markets percolating, book-runners across ECM syndicate desks are hopeful the backlog of pending IPOs will finally open. With that, a broad universe of Issuers are finding their way to OTC Markets and NASDAQ’s OTC Pink Tier. All good news, other than for some bad news for many of the already-listed companies that are finding themselves out-of-compliance and at risk of de-listing for an assortment of reasons that most companies are challenged to decipher.
The really good news is that a select universe of securities law experts are building out their practice areas to address the needs of pink sheet companies that need rehabilitation, including Phoenix OTC Services, spearheaded by a former stock exchange specialist-turned-securities lawyer…
NASDAQ OTC Listed Regulatory and Compliance Experts
Securities Lawyers Specializing in OTC Pink Tier Listings
PHOENIX OTC SERVICES, Inc. will review all publicly available information about your Company and provide you with an analysis (at no charge) of what steps your Company can take to be in full compliance with SEC and OTC Markets “adequate public disclosure” requirements.
We offer a full range of corporate and compliance services to small cap and emerging-growth companies, including:
Assist your Management with preparation and filing of required disclosure documents to meet OTC Pink Tier requirements
Provide continuing services for Initial, Quarterly, Annual, and Current Report OTC Markets filings
Coordinate your Company’s news releases and public disclosures with OTC Market’s Disclosure & News Service
Coordinate required filings with your Company’s legal counsel, accountant, and independent auditor
Assist Management with shareholder relations, proxy statements, and annual reports
Complete business valuation services, business plan updating, and financial forecasting services
- FOR MORE INFORMATION, Visit Phoenix OTC Services