Market wisdom:markets go up and prices go down. When it comes to selecting an ETF or ETN that might make you a sage when managing money for risk-sensitive,sophisticated investors, UBS ETRACS launched a twin-set product back in the dull days of December, one of which might whet your hedge-fund like appetite for risk management in the face of headwinds.

Developed by commodity trading King Dennis Gartman and “He-Who-Knows-All-About-Risk” Mark (“The Fish”) Fisher, (among other titles, Fisher is also the author of the trading bible titled “The Logical Trader”), the UBS ETNs are aptly labeled “ONN” (for those wanting to put on risk) and “OFF”, which is designed for those seeking to mitigate multi-asset class risk exposure.
As both of these products are starting to gain traction in terms of increasing daily volumes, its the “OFF” that is worth spotlighting right now. If you’re a chartist, you might spot an intriguing trend.
Caveat1: read the prospectus; Caveat 2: Don’t be distracted by the limited transparency displayed by screen-based bid/offer markets for these products; read the prospectus and make a call to a liquidity aggregator that can capture improved quotes.