Top RIA’s 20 Top Twitter Feeds for Financial Advisers

Social Media + Financial Services is (so far) an oxymoron. After all, the odds are 10:1 that you're compliance officer will call you a moron if you solicit approval to become socially-engaged in any digital venue. All of that said, the tide always turns, until of course, it comes back…Read More

13 March, 2012

Traders & Brokers Best Bets For MarchMadness: Destinations

Until your favorite broker has scored you Final Four tix in the Big Easy, you'll either be in your own easy (chair), or stepping out your trade to a local venue to take in NCAA's March Madness tourney.  For those of you in Manhattan's Melting Pot, these are best bets.…Read More

12 March, 2012

ETF Market Mavens March Madness Event-City of Brotherly Love

Expect more than lots of brotherly love networking at the Philadelphia Ritz-Carlton March 19-20, when ETF market mavens gather  to attend the InsideIndexing forum "Risk, Return & Indexing Strategies." An early look at the menu indicates a few tasty treats will be served up by a formidable group of moderators…Read More

1 March, 2012

Amsterdam Hosting 3rd Annual InsideETFs Europe

Where's a better place than Amsterdam for an International ETF conference in the month of May? Our global concierge says,  "No place compares to Amsterdam, for a variety of reasons!" Which is exactly why IndexUniverse, the largest ETF conference producer, is once again hosting its "Annual InsideETFsEurope" for the third…Read More

22 February, 2012

Andaz-Hungry (& Thirsty!) Trader Destination

If you're visiting your favorite broker (the one that's got a real Wall Street address), Andaz is the place to see and be seen. Great menu with broad selections, great surroundings, and a comfortable place to crash if the market....well, you know what the next word is. Located at 75…Read More

14 February, 2012

No Free Luch Re: “Commission-Free” ETFs

As observed by Forbes contributor Janet Brown, it seems the race to zero is becoming rampant in the brokerage community when promoting "commission-free trading for ETFs." A closer look at the story tells us that discount broker talk is even cheaper than the commissions, and RIAs (and others) should read…Read More

14 February, 2012

WallachBeth ETF Trader Takes A Dive: To Raise $100k…

[caption id="attachment_27" align="alignleft" width="80" caption="Chris Hempstead; Head of ETF Trading / WallachBeth Capital"][/caption] Hands above your head and clap 'em together for Chris Hempstead, head of ETF trading at WallachBeth Capital..Hempstead recently took a dive (in frigid water), to help raise $100k for ALS...See the full coverage courtesy of TRADERS…Read More

13 February, 2012