Top RIA’s 20 Top Twitter Feeds for Financial Advisers

Social Media + Financial Services is (so far) an oxymoron. After all, the odds are 10:1 that you’re compliance officer will call you a moron if you solicit approval to become socially-engaged in any digital venue.

All of that said, the tide always turns, until of course, it comes back to you hit in the back of the head like a boomerang. But..for the time being, if there’s any group that can figure out how to leverage assets, its you, or your peers.

Leading to profile one Josh Brown, aka @thereformedbroker (his twitter handle). Your’s truly is almost afraid to learn why Josh labels himself “reformed”, but he apparently has all of his licenses in order, along with a round lot of 20,000 Twitter followers. Let’s not forget to mention that Josh shows up on CNBC every so often, as well as attributions in outlets such as the Wall Street Journal.

What’s striking about Josh is his humility; he’s published a list of his top 20 favorite financial adviser twits, twitterers.

Intrigued? You should be!Courtesy of IN–this is who Josh recommends:

@behaviorgap – Creator of the Behavior Gap website, author, financial advisor, thought leader

@maxabelson – Snark Central, covers the titans of Wall Street for Bloomberg

@iSharesETFs – research and insights from the top purveyor and manager of ETFs

@reformedbroker – People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive 2006

@StockTwits – over 100,000 registered users, tweeting the best trading ideas and action on the web

@charlesrotblut – represents the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII)

@MarketBeat – live coverage at WSJ of all the moving and shaking throughout the day

@abnormalreturns – Tadas Viskanta is the Librarian in Chief of the financial web, daily must-read linkfests

@moorehn – Marketplace Radio bureau chief and the best financial news tweeter extant

@PIMCO – ‘nuff said

@therudingroup – April Rudin is a financial services and social media consultant to the stars

@JBSteins – Covers financial hiring and firing and employment trends for Dow Jones FINS

@kevinroose – NYT DealBook scribe, a beautiful man

@advisorshares – at the forefront of the RIA-to-ETP-product revolution

@danprimack – covering the private equity and venture beat for Fortune mag and the blog Term Sheet

@thestalwart – Market/econ journalist with the fastest and most intense read on the news out there

@Fgoria – Italian economics and financial journalist, has the inside track on everything European Crisis-related

@FTAlphaville – the most sophisticated mainstream media market blog ever built

@cnbcmelloy – the producer of CNBC’s Fast Money, John takes ideas from Twitter and creates television 5 days a week

And of course, @newsfromIN – real-time headlines from advisers’ leading news and information provider
