Tag Archives: trading system technology

What’s Next For Wall Street’s FinTech Czars? Bitcoin Exchanges!

MarketsMuse.com FinTech update profiles Wall Street’s trading system technology push into the next frontier: Bitcoin Exchanges. Below is courtesy of March 24 column “Legacy Exchange Players Rush To Aid Bitcoin Exchanges.”

Following news that Nasdaq will offer trading technology to Noble Markets, legacy exchanges and executives are helping to make the trading of the virtual currency very real indeed.

Phil Albinus, TradersMagazine
Phil Albinus, TradersMagazine

Another day, another step forward to Bitcoin’s road to legitimacy. Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reported that market maker Nasdaq will provide trading technology to Noble Markets, the start-up firm that aims to allow hedge funds to trade bitcoin and “related digital-currency assets.”

[Is the Buyside Ready to Trade Bitcoin?]

Earlier in the day, news broke that former NYSE CEO Duncan Neiderauer had joined Tera Group, a  bitcoin derivatives trading platform and virtual currency bourse. The former head of the Wall Street trading floor will serve as an advisory director for the newish bitcoin firm.

Wall Street is seeing real opportunities in the virtual currency. As the Wall Street Journal cites, “The New York Stock Exchange’s investment in bitcoin exchange Coinbase; regulatory approval of public trading in the Digital Currency Group’s Bitcoin Investment Fund; former J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. executive Blyth Masters’ appointment to a lead new digital-asset settlement service…” Continue reading

Agency BrokerDealer Enhances Offering for ETF Multi-Basket Trading

Below courtesy of Aug 6 edition of Wall Street Letter, article written by staff reporter Sean Creamer 

wslWallachBeth to enhance multi-basket trading


WallachBeth Capital, a New York City-based agency brokerage, will enhance its existing portfolio and multi-basket trading in exchange-traded funds and other equities to make greater use of OMEX Systems, according to executive members of both companies.

The firm currently uses OMEX for trading in equities, including ETFs, and options, as well as critical middle and back office functionality but it will take on additional functionality from the vendor in order to propel the firm even further into multi-basket trading, according to Michael Wallach, CEO.

“What we are doing with OMEX is attempting to customize the trading technology so that we can have enhanced pre-and post-trade abilities and analytics for multiple basket orders and portfolio management,” said Wallach.

David Beth, President, WallachBeth Capital
David Beth, President, WallachBeth Capital

David Beth, President and Chief Operating Officer at WallachBeth, noted that add-ons would bolster the current system used for trading baskets.

“We are looking for state of the art analytics, coupled and bolted to the [execution management system] for pre- and post-trade analytics, as well as including the ability for traders to quickly be able to change strategies or algos during and after executing an order,” said Beth.

In preparation for this change, last month the firm hired Matthew Rowley as its chief technology officer, a veteran of Crédit Agricole and Fidessa, who will oversee the firm’s technology push and to enhance existing applications.

Wallach noted that adding this functionality won’t be burdensome, but will involve a re-routing of some client network connections.

For the full coverage, please visit the Wall Street Letter website (subscription required, but FREE TRIAL is available)

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